Quelle huiles essentielles pendant ma grossesse

from Editions Leduc.s.
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Pour vivre sa grossesse sereinement avec les huiles essentilles.

Essential oils and pregnancy is now possible!

Pregnant? Do you have questions jostling in your head? How to deal with these minor ailments such as nausea, vomiting, headaches, gastric reflux?
Good news ladies! Gone are the days when you were told: "take your pain patiently, there is nothing to do." In this book, author Daniel Festy, reveals which essential oils to use during this magnificent period: your pregnancy and breastfeeding!
Carefully selected for safe use, you can spend these 9 months in peace without having to endure all these little ailments that would spoil your happiness.
Through this book you will discover the 25 essential oils essential during pregnancy with the properties and their modes of use.

Intended for beginners and advanced users of aromatherapy, this book will accompany you and help you find moral and physical comfort but above all to resolve these small ailments, whether or not linked to your pregnancy.

The chapters covered are :
  • Pregnancy and essential oils.
  • My 25 essential oils essential during pregnancy.
  • ABC of common ailments and 300 aroma solutions.
The author:

Danièle Festy was a community pharmacist for a long time. Passionate about essential oils, she is notably the author of "My bible of essential oils", "Essential oils that work"! Or "My illustrated alphabet book of essential oils".

What essential oils during my pregnancy, Daniel Festy Editions Leduc.s., 271 pages.

Dimensions of the book: approximately 23 cm x 19 cm
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